HSEP31: Why Life Isn't Fair (And Why That's a Good Thing)


  • Tiger 10:39: "In order for your idea of fairness to be a real thing, there has to be something called 'unfairness.' Looking for your idea of fairness, requires looking for, and creating, it’s opposite."

  • Tiger 14:19: "We think we're comparing ourselves with other people, but actually, you're comparing yourself with your idea of that other person. So again, we're completely missing reality."

  • Tiger 16:53: "If you compare your life with this person over here, then your life looks a certain way. If you compare your life with that person over there, your life looks a certain way. It’s completely relative in the most absurd and unreal way. Stop comparing yourself with your imagination of other people."

  • Tiger 17:27: "What I invite you to recognize and to really investigate is in that inner assumption that life should be fair. Tell me how that does not create an enormous amount of judgment, projections of guilt, and malicious thought streams that want to punish other people and withhold freedom from other people."

  • Tiger 20:30: "People are under the hypnosis that when they think about life, they think they're thinking about life rather than seeing that they're thinking about their own thinking. Rather than seeing that thinking cannot touch life."

  • Tiger 22:23: "Simply, we are inviting the closing of the gap and the loosening of our grip on our ideas and assumptions and what we think should or should not be. We are decreasing the distance between a belief in our imagination and seeing reality clearly."

  • Tiger 23:04: "It might be wise to understand the fear that might be there in opening up to the idea, or the pointer, that there's no such thing as fairness in reality, especially when we've wanted that for so long, it can seem quite threatening. But, is it really?"

  • Tiger 25:40: "(I’m suffering because life isn’t fair!) No, you're suffering because you're wanting what's not. You're saying/believing, in your suffering, that you're incomplete, that you're un-whole, that you're not enough. You're blaming your own internal dialog on the world."

  • Tiger 27:29: "If you feel stuck in unfairness, and you're saying you know something that you don't really know - you might want it to be that way, fine- but don't pretend like you know because you don't."

  • Tiger 30:41: "We cannot experience emotional disturbance because of what's happening out there. We can only experience emotional disturbance because we're not seeing life clearly."

  • Tiger 35:11: "In reality, what does your meaning mean outside your meaning? What is it mean outside what you think/imagine it means? What’s true, beyond the story you tell?"